SQL Application (namespace Sql)

~ Column()

Compiler: A compiler for SQL
bool Compile(const wchar_t* inputString, vector<Sql::Table >& output)
~ Compiler()

LexicalAnalyzer: A lexical analyzer for SQL
static bool GetTokens(const wchar_t* inputString, vector<Cpl::LexicalAnalyzer::Token >& output)
~ LexicalAnalyzer(void)

SqlConnection: It provides support to connect with SQL databases
RETCODE BindColumn(int columnNumber, Sys::ISelectBool& control)
RETCODE BindColumn(int columnNumber, Sys::ISelectDouble& control)
RETCODE BindColumn(int columnNumber, Sys::ISelectInt& control)
RETCODE BindColumn(int columnNumber, Sys::ISelectString& control, int bufferLength)
RETCODE BindColumn(int columnNumber, Sys::ISelectTime& control)
RETCODE BindColumn(int columnNumber, Sys::SqlTime& value)
RETCODE BindColumn(int columnNumber, bool & value)
RETCODE BindColumn(int columnNumber, double& value)
RETCODE BindColumn(int columnNumber, int& value)
RETCODE BindColumn(int columnNumber, wchar_t* value, int bufferLength)
RETCODE BindInputParameter(int parameterNumber, Sys::SqlTime& parameter)
RETCODE BindInputParameter(int parameterNumber, const wchar_t* parameter)
RETCODE BindInputParameter(int parameterNumber, double& parameter)
RETCODE BindInputParameter(int parameterNumber, int& parameter)
RETCODE BindOutputParameter(int parameterNumber, Sys::SqlTime& parameter)
RETCODE BindOutputParameter(int parameterNumber, double& parameter)
RETCODE BindOutputParameter(int parameterNumber, int& parameter)
RETCODE BindOutputParameter(int parameterNumber, wchar_t* parameter, int maxNumberOfChar)
RETCODE CloseCursor()
RETCODE CreateStatement()
RETCODE ExecuteSelect(const wchar_t* statement, unsigned int maxNumberOfChar, Sys::IEnumerator& num)
It sends data to any object that implements the Sys::IEnumerator interface (A list view control, a drop down list, a Sys::Xml object, ...) A list view control must have columns before calling ExecuteSelect A Sys::Xml object must have one node that will be used as sample to insert all data
RETCODE ExecuteSelect(const wchar_t* statement, unsigned int maxNumberOfChar, vector<vector<wstring>>& output)
It returns a matrix of wstrings
RETCODE ExecuteSelect(const wstring& statement, unsigned int maxNumberOfChar, Sys::IEnumerator& num)
It sends data to any object that implements the Sys::IEnumerator interface (A list view control, a drop down list, a Sys::Xml object, ...) A list view control must have columns before calling ExecuteSelect A Sys::Xml object must have one node that will be used as sample to insert all data
RETCODE ExecuteSelect(const wstring& statement, unsigned int maxNumberOfChar, vector<vector<wstring>>& output)
It returns a matrix of wstrings
RETCODE GetColumn(const wchar_t* statement, int columnIndex, SQLSMALLINT targetType, SQLPOINTER targetValue, SQLINTEGER bufferLength)
RETCODE GetString(const wchar_t* statement, wchar_t* buffer, int bufferLength)
RETCODE GetString(const wstring& statement, wchar_t* buffer, int bufferLength)
RETCODE GetString(const wstring& statement, wstring& buffer, int bufferLength)
RETCODE OpenSession(HWND hWnd, const wchar_t* connectionString)
SQL with conexion string. Call GetConnectionString to retrieve the actual connection string
RETCODE OpenSession(HWND hWnd, const wstring& connectionString)
SQL with conexion string. Call GetConnectionString to retrieve the actual connection string
RETCODE OpenSession(Sys::IWindow& window, const wchar_t* connectionString)
SQL with conexion string. Call GetConnectionString to retrieve the actual connection string
RETCODE OpenSession(Sys::IWindow& window, const wstring& connectionString)
SQL with conexion string. Call GetConnectionString to retrieve the actual connection string
RETCODE OpenSession(const wchar_t* dsn, const wchar_t* username, const wchar_t* password)
RETCODE OpenSession(const wstring& dsn, const wstring& username, const wstring& password)
Sys::Time GetDate(const wchar_t* statement)
Sys::Time GetDate(const wstring& statement)
bool Fetch(void)
bool GetBool(const wchar_t* statement)
bool GetBool(const wstring& statement)
const wchar_t* GetConnectionString() const
It returns the full connection string, after a successful call to OpenSession
double GetDouble(const wchar_t* statement)
double GetDouble(const wstring& statement)
int ExecDirect(const wchar_t* statement)
It returns the number of rows affected
int ExecDirect(const wstring& statement)
It returns the number of rows affected
int ExecuteNonQuery(const wchar_t* statement)
It is used to perform: an INSERT, a UPDATE, or a DELETE It returns the number of rows affected
int ExecuteNonQuery(const wstring& statement)
It is used to perform: an INSERT, a UPDATE, or a DELETE It returns the number of rows affected
int ExecuteSelect(const wchar_t* statement)
int ExecuteSelect(const wstring& statement)
int GetColumCount(const wchar_t* statement)
int GetInt(const wchar_t* statement)
int GetInt(const wstring& statement)
static bool IsOk(RETCODE retcode)
static int GetAttributeCount(const wchar_t* statement)
static int GetAttributeNames(const wchar_t* statement, vector<wstring >& output)
virtual ~ SqlConnection()
void BindClear()
void CloseSession()
void DestroyStatement()

SqlException(Sql::SqlExceptInfo& exceptInfo, const wchar_t* statement, const wchar_t* funcName)
SqlException(const SqlException& init)
virtual ~ SqlException(void)
wchar_t* GetDescription(void)

StringBuilder: It provides support to simplify the execution of SQL commands in a SQL application
LPARAM Bind(const wchar_t* column_name, Sys::ISelectInt& control)
StringBuilder(const wchar_t* table_name, const wchar_t* primary_key_name, int primary_key_value)
Sys::Time BindDateTimeMicrosoft(const wchar_t* column_name, Sys::Time& value)
Sys::Time BindDateTimeMySql(const wchar_t* column_name, Sys::Time& value)
Sys::Time BindDateTimeOracle(const wchar_t* column_name, Sys::Time& value)
Sys::Time BindMicrosoft(const wchar_t* column_name, Sys::ISelectTime& control)
Sys::Time BindMySql(const wchar_t* column_name, Sys::ISelectTime& control)
Sys::Time BindOracle(const wchar_t* column_name, Sys::ISelectTime& control)
bool Bind(const wchar_t* column_name, Sys::ISelectBool& control)
bool BindBool(const wchar_t* column_name, bool value)
const wchar_t* Bind(const wchar_t* column_name, Sys::ISelectString& control)
const wchar_t* BindString(const wchar_t* column_name, const wchar_t* value)
const wchar_t* BindString(const wchar_t* column_name, const wstring& value)
const wchar_t* GetString()
double BindDouble(const wchar_t* column_name, double value)
int BindInt(const wchar_t* column_name, int value)
~ StringBuilder()

~ Table()

static bool ImportFromFile(const wchar_t* fileName, vector<Sql::Table >& output)
static bool ImportFromText(const wchar_t* inputSqlText, vector<Sql::Table >& output)
~ Tools()
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